Inside Mac Games Volume 4 #10
IMG 41 Oct 1996.iso
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Crafty Help output
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( Printout of "help" command outputs from Crafty Mac 9.30
EPD Kit revision date: 1996.04.21
No tablebase files found in the TB directory.
Crafty v9.30
White(1): help
help command gives a detailed command syntax
alarm on|off..............turns audible alarm on/off.
analyze...................analyze a game in progress
annotate..................annotate game [help].
book......................controls book [help].
black.....................sets black to move.
clock.....................displays chess clock.
d.........................displays chess
echo......................echos output to display.
edit......................edit board position. [help]
epdhelp...................info about EPD facility.
exit......................restores STDIN to key
extension.................enables/disables extensions [help].
end.......................terminates program.
history...................display game moves.
hash n....................sets transposition table size
(n bytes, nK bytes or nM bytes)
hashp n...................sets pawn hash table size
input <filename> [title]..sets STDIN to <filename>.
(and positions to [title] record.)
list update/display GM/IM/computer lists.
log on|off................turn logging on/off.
move......................initiates search (same as go).
new.......................initialize and start new game.
noise n...................no status until n nodes searched.
null n....................null move reduces depth by n.
ponder on|off.............toggle pondering off/on.
ponder move...............ponder "move" as predicted move.
read <filename>...........read moves in [from <filename>].
reada <filename>..........read moves in [from <filename>].
(appends to current game history.)
reset n...................reset game to move n.
resign <m> <n>............set resign threshold to <m> pawns.
<n> = # of moves before resigning.
score.....................printf evaluation of position.
sd n......................sets absolute search depth.
st n......................sets absolute search time.
set.................sets board position. [help]
test......................test a suite of problems. [help]
time......................time controls. [help]
trace n...................display search tree below depth n.
verbose n.................set verbosity level. [help]
white.....................sets white to move.
help annotate
annotate b|w|bw [moves]
where b/w/bw indicates whether to annotate only the white
side (w), the black side (b) or both (bw). [moves] is
optional. If [moves] is omitted, annotate the complete
game; if present, it can be a single number which
indicates the move to start annotation on, or else a
range [10-25] which says start annotation at move 10 and
stop after move 25.
help book
you can use the following commands to customize how the
program uses the opening book(book.bin and books.bin).
typically, book.bin contains a large opening database made
from GM games. books.bin is a short, customized book that
contains selected lines that are well-suited to Crafty's
style of play. the <flags> can further refine how this
small book file is used to encourage/avoid specific lines.
book random n..............controls how random the program
chooses its opening moves. <0> will play the least
randomly and follow book lines that are well-suited to
Crafty's style of play. this mode also uses an alpha/beta
search to select from the set of book moves. <1> plays
the most frequently played book move, according to how
often it was played by GM players. <2> plays the book
move the produces the best static evaluation. <3> plays
from the set of most popular moves, but culls rarely
played moves. <4> simply emulates the frequence of moves
played in the opening database. <5> plays even more
randomly by compressing the frequency distribution using
the sqrt() function. <6> simply chooses moves completely
at random from the set of book moves.
book mask accept <chars>...sets the accept mask to the
flag characters in <chars> (see flags below.) any flags
set in this mask will include either (a) moves with the
flag set, or (b) moves with no flags set.
book mask reject <chars>...sets the reject mask to the
flag characters in <chars> (see flags below.) any flags
set in this mask will reject any moves with the flag
set (in the opening book.)
book played................requirest than an opening move
be played at least this percent of the time to be
book off...................turns the book completely off.
book[s] create [<filename>] [maxply]...creates a new opening
book by first removing the old book.bin. it then will
parse <filename> and add the moves to either book.bin (if
the book create command was used) or to books.bin (if the
books create command was used.) <maxply> truncates book
lines after that many plies (typically 60).
flags are one (or more) members of the following set of
characters: {?? ? = ! !! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F}
normally, ?? means never play, ? means rarely play,
= means drawish opening, ! means good move, !! means always
play, and 0-F are user flags that a user can add to any
move in the book, and by setting the right mask (above) can
force the program to either always play the move or never
play the move. the special character * means all flags
and is probably dangerous to use.
flags are added to a move by entering the move, a / or \
followed by the flags. / means add the flags to the move
preserving other flags already there while \ means replace
any flags with those following the \.
the format of the book text (raw data) is as follows:
[title information] (required)
e4 e5 ... (a sequence of moves)
[title information for next line] (required)
e4 e6 ...
end (required)
help edit
edit is used to set up or modify a board position. it
recognizes 4 "commands" that it uses to alter/set up the
board position (with appropriate aliases to interface with
# command causes edit to clear the chess board
c command causes edit to toggle piece color.
white command causes edit to place white pieces on the
board; black command causes edit to place black pieces on
end ("." for xboard) causes edit to exit.
three strings of the form [piece][file][rank] will
place a [piece] on square [file][rank]. the color is set
by the previous white/black command. ex: Ke8 puts a king
on square e8
Available EPD glue command list
epdapgn: Append PGN game to <file>
epdbfix: Fix <file1> data for Bookup input <file2>
epdcert: Display certain score for the current position
epdcics: Slave to ICS at <hostname> and <portnumber>
epdcomm: Slave to Duplex using <pipefile-basename>
epddpgn: Display game using PGN
epddsml: Display SAN move list
epddstr: Display PGN Seven Tag Roster
epddtpv: Display PGN tag pair <tag-name> value
epdenum: Enumerate to <depth> from <file1> to <file2>
epdhelp: Display EPD glue command descriptions
epdlink: Slave to Argus at <hostname> and <portnumber>
epdlpgn: Load PGN game from <file>
epdlrec: Load EPD record from <file> <line-number>
epdmore: Display more help for <command>
epdnoop: No operation
epdpfdn: Normalize EPD data from <file1> to <file2>
epdpfdr: Repair EPD data from <file1> to <file2>
epdpfga: Analyze EPD data from <file1> to <file2>
epdpflc: Locate mating cooks in result <file>
epdpfop: Purge EPD <opcode> from <file1> to <file2>
epdscor: Score benchmark EPD results from <file>
epdshow: Show EPD four fields for the current position
epdspgn: Save PGN game to <file>
epdstpv: Set PGN tag pair <tag-name> to <value>
epdtest: EPD glue developer testing
help extension
extension is used to enable/disable/control specific search
check = 0/1 disables/enables inclusion of checking
moves in the selective portion of the
incheck = 0/1 disables/enables the out-of-check extension
that extends the depth one ply when in
pawn = 0/1 disables/enables the passed pawn pushes in
the selective portion of the search.
recapture = 0/1 disables/enables the recapture extension
that extends the depth one ply when
help set
sb is used to set up the board in any position desired. it
uses a forsythe-like string of characters to describe the
board position.
the standard piece codes p,n,b,r,q,k are used to denote the
piece on a square, upper/lower case is used to indicate the
color (WHITE/black) of the piece.
the pieces are entered with the ranks on the black side of
the board entered first, and the ranks on the white side
entered last (ie rank 8 through rank 1). empty squares,
a number between 1 and 8 to indicate how many adjacent
squares are empty. use a / to terminate each rank after
all pieces for that rank have been entered.
the following input will setup the board position that
is given below:
K2R/PPP////q/5ppp/7k/ b
this assumes that k represents a white king and -q
represents a black queen.
k * * r * * * *
p p p * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
-q * * * * * * *
* * * * * -p -p -p
* * * * * * * -k
the character after the final / should be either b or w to
indicate the side to move. after this side-to-move field
any of the following characters can appear to indicate the
following: KQ: white can castle kingside/queenside/both;
kq: same for black; a1-h8: indicates the square occupied
by a pawn that can be captured en passant.
help verbose
verbose 0 -> no informational output except moves.
verbose 1 -> display time for moves.
verbose 2 -> display variation when it changes.
verbose 3 -> display variation at end of iteration.
verbose 4 -> display basic search statistics.
verbose 5 -> display search extension statistics.
verbose 6 -> display search hashing statistics.
verbose 7 -> display null-move search statistics.
verbose 9 -> display root moves as they are searched.